World Party Day is coming up on April 3 and I've teamed up with Big Things to help usher in a day that celebrates global unity. And what could be better than celebrating with breakfast! I've always loved the idea of throwing a breakfast party; inviting a few friends over on a Saturday morning for waffles or pancakes. People showing up in their sweats and pj's- there's something so cozy about it. I plan on doing this a lot this coming winter. See more great world party day posts from other bloggers right here.
This girl is adorable. I spotted her on the Locals and instantly fell in love with her look, so much so that I've recreated it to the right. I also plan on recreating it on my body this winter. Cape Town's winters are kind of perfect- chilly enough to wear layers but not so cold that you want to kill yourself half way through winter (which is how I used to feel when I lived in the States). Can't wait to wear tights! sweater, shirt, skirt, tights, shoes
A few snaps from our life lately. We recently celebrated Andrew's birthday with a staycation in Kalk Bay (it's only about 30 minutes away from us). We had the best time taking Wills to visit the penguins on Boulder beach, eating out at some of our favorite spots and waking up to this beautiful view two mornings in a row! The Woodstock Foundry had its official launch party as well which was a lot of fun- Andrew did the birds on the side of the building seen below. And lately my morning routine is coffee, coffee, coffee and a piece of banana bread while the baby naps and I try to get some work done. I never used to be much of a coffee drinker but I guess thats what happens when 6am becomes your new 8am. And best of all Wills is 16 weeks old today!
Giveaway now closed. Hold on to your hats ladies because I've got another great giveaway. Rachel from Academy Jewelry is generously giving one size too small reader any Academy Jewelry piece of your choice! Personally I'd have a hard time deciding but I think my heart belongs to the arc necklace pictured below in white. To enter visit her shop and leave a comment letting me know which piece you'd choose if you win along with your email address. And if you don't win- don't fear because in addition to her shop you can also purchase her jewelry online at Need and rumor has it coming soon to Anthropologie!
Perfect examples of the whole "wood and white" thing I was talking about earlier. Man I want that swing for Wills!
“La Clinica is a collection of handcrafted furniture produced by local artisans based in three different parts of the world: Madrid (Spain), Turin (Italy) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). La Clinica is based on the interaction between young designers and experienced artisans, which combines new ideas with centuries-old know-how. The result is three different collections made from the same design and produced differently according to the local traditions and material resources."
Giveaway Closed- Congratulations Jillian! Today I'm super excited to host a giveaway from Kaufmann Mercantile- a $50 gift certificate to their amazing shop! I got Andrew a few items from their store for his birthday recently, including the brass number clips and the envelopes below. He loved all of them- I mean loved. To enter please leave a comment stating what you'd get with your gift certificate and why (you're addicted to stationary, you love the way it looks, your old one broke etc.). Also be sure to leave your email address. Good luck- I wish I could enter!
I just got back into town from a little birthday weekend away for Andrew so am playing catch up. In the meantime here's a small peek at the Elizabeth and James Spring 2012 lookbook. Also thanks to Miss Moss for having me yesterday! To see my post, go here. And finally tomorrow I'm hosting a really great giveaway from Kaufmann Mercantile so be sure to check back!
Welcome to size too small. A blog about all the pretty things that catch my eye; everything from art and design, to fashion, fun finds and photography.