My artist friend, Paul Senyol, just recently got back from a trip to Finland where he participated in an art residency program for three months. Before he left he asked his friends to answer a few questions, like what is your favorite memory, give me a color, three words etc. Then he made a piece of art for each of us, based on our individual answers. Here's mine! I love it. That's the duomo in Florence- it was part of my favorite memory answer.

Go here to Paul's blog to see more of his work!

Go here to Paul's blog to see more of his work!
Without question, one of my favorite places to be, is in my bed. I was even like this as a little kid. So when Andrew was asked by Foam Magazine to contribute one of his photographs to a book all about beds... well, I was pretty psyched. The book is now out and we just got our copy today! You can buy your copy online here.

Yikes! Has it really been ten days since my last post? Between getting everything organized to head home to the States for two whole months (!!!) to wrapping up client projects I've been doing a lot of running around lately. You may have noticed the fun new button on the right hand side > > > > > > > My friend Amy and I started a creative consultancy called gather. (click the button to find out more about what we do). We're working on some really fun projects that I can't wait to share with you. But for now our pretty new business and product cards...

The countdown to our trip home to visit friends and family is officially on- 20 days from today we'll be boarding a plane headed for the U.S.A. I plan to do a lot of things that look like the following picture once I'm home.

Beautiful photography from Agnes Thor.

Beautiful photography from Agnes Thor.
Yesterday, Elle Decoration South Africa did a really fun post on table settings. I did a simple setting for them (seen below) out of things I had around my house and a few borrowed things from a friend. I could seriously create table scapes all day long. Go here to check out the full post.

In case you missed it on {frolic!}, here are a few more pictures from the wedding that haven't been shared. (Oh yeah, and remember my mood board for this wedding... I think we got pretty close).

photography: Kate McLuckie

photography: Kate McLuckie
Remember the wedding I planned back in March? Head over to {Frolic!} to check it out... and come back tomorrow for a few more pictures that haven't been shared!

photography by Kate McLuckie

photography by Kate McLuckie
Oh man I'm loving Dear Rae's newest additions to her already amazing jewelry line. The new look book also features my beautiful friend Jen modeling! Hooray for talented and beautiful friends!

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