I'm Back!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I guess technically I didn't really go anywhere- I was just away from my blog and the internet for a while dealing with real life things like being pregnant- which turns out is harder than I thought. But now I'm starting to feel more like myself again- hooray! And now I owe you lots of things like a couple of cakes, a "Now and Then" post and some other treats, so stick around.
As for these lovely ladies, they are by the Paper Twins and you can find more of their work here. Stay Gold friends (and thanks for hanging in there with me!).


  1. :)

    i'm glad you're feeling better!

  2. Well hello there! Welcome back to blogland. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. I hope it goes uphill from here.

  3. Glad you're back! We missed you, but I guess being pregnant is a whole new chapter of life to adopt! So see you around sweetie! xoxo

  4. YOU'RE BACK! Phew, I have been expectantly awaiting your return. Glad you're bouncing back. Also, had a lovely chat with handsome Billy + Andrey in the front yard yesterday, a lovely Sunday afternoon on 52. Can't wait for you to join in the fun. Mwah!

  5. Glad you are back and hope you're feeling a whole lot better now! And hope your pregnancy is going well.

  6. Congrats on being pregnant! I felt sick 24 hours a day during my first trimester. It's no fun. Hope you feel better soon!


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