I Miss My Long Hair

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I had my hair trimmed the day before we left Africa to come back here. She took off more than I wanted and now I'm mourning the loss of my long hair. It's still long, but when you have long hair, even a few inches feels like a catastrophe. I miss how messy it used to get.

top left and bottom right images: na nin, top right image: Summer Teeth


  1. I love having long hair! I am trying to grow it out longer and I know that feeling when you have it cut too short!

  2. I just got my hair chopped too, in a chin-long bob and I absolutely LOVE it! I do understand what you mean about missing the length though, last year I had it all cut from middle of my back to a bob. It was rather traumatic!

  3. my hair will not grow as long as i want it to and that makes me kind of annoyed but i will keep trying. i love long locks

  4. Oh no, hair regret! I have SO been there, key thing to remember: it will grow back! Ah, but it's small comfort when you're in it! XO!

  5. Hair grow back rather quick in summer time, or so they say ;)

  6. Aww, no! I know how you feel, though — sometimes I wish my hair was 2 inches longer than it is... I miss the length of curls I could create, or the fuller chignons. At the same token, it's just a little lighter and thankfully will grow. But still.

    Other than that, I hope you're having a lovely week*


  7. My hair is the longest it's been in years! It keeps getting caught in my armpits. I love it long but the curls are always one tangle away from dreds. Your post is inspiring me to keep it long.

  8. ugh, i know the feeling! i seriously need a trim, but am too worried i'll miss even the small amount that is cut.


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