Our NYC Trip

Monday, July 14, 2014

If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen that a couple of weeks ago Andrew and I took a trip to NYC. We took Isobel with us and left Wills behind with my parents. It was such a fun trip and really nice to have just Isobel with us- quality time with our girl. I've been to New York at least half a dozen times and each time I leave wanting more; never feeling like I got to it all. This time around we crossed off a handful of things on my list, including walking all over Central Park, going to the Met, the Brooklyn Flea, checking out Rachel Comey's new shop, etc. etc. Our main reason for going however, was to check out Brooklyn neighborhoods. Our ultimate goal is to be in New York and I wanted to see what each neighborhood was like. We stayed in Williamsburg and made it to Fort Greene and Cobble Hill.  After visiting those few, I feel like I would have to really live there to understand the feeling of each neighborhood because from the outside they all seem to be pretty charming, although Williamsburg has a totally different feel from all the rest. Take a peek at some of our trip below.

Founders & Followers Summer Look Book

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Summer time is just the best, am I right or am I right? These pictures from the Founders & Followers beautiful new summer look book captures the feeling of summer perfectly. Go here to see the whole thing and be sure to check out their lovely shop. Lots of good things to covet. 

Photography by Amber Mahoney

SuTurno Textiles

Monday, July 7, 2014

While doing some research on textile design I noticed that SuTurno have some beautiful new prints in their online shop- granada, cactus, and regata. I want them all please. See more from their shop here and check out their cute tote bags in the same designs!

Annie Williams Leather Goods

Monday, June 9, 2014

The most beautiful leather goods collection I've seen in a while comes from Annie Williams out of Nashville Tennessee. A leather bag is one of those accessories that you will have forever and if it's quality, only gets better with time. Her pieces look like they will stand the test of time. Check out her shop here

Olive Look Book

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I love it when people write and tell me about thier craft, shop, endeavor... fill in the blank. Laura from the Austin based shop Olive recently shared her shops most recent look book with me and I'm so glad that she did. She worked with photographer  Nicole Lesser to capture a decaying mall in Austin. "I love the strange mood forgotten spaces evoke: some weird mix of unmet expectations; brand new things tainted by time and plain old nostalgia."

See more of the Spring look book here and check out her awesome shop here. Thanks Laura!

Shelter Co. Let's Go Camping

Monday, June 2, 2014

Just looking through some of Shelter Co.'s beautiful images from their events gallery. Spending a long weekend with friends at one of their locations looks pretty perfect. Has anybody ever used their service?

Proud Mary New Goods

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I might be a little late to the party here judging by the fact that a fair number of these pieces are already sold out on Proud Mary's site, but how beautiful! I love the top bag and if I were going to wear a baseball hat- that's the one I'd choose. Thumbs up Proud Mary.

Art by Lindsay Stripling

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just admiring the work of artist, Lindsay Stripling, one of the current artists featured on Buy Some Damn Art. There's a definite classic feel to the women she paints. The style of their hair and clothing suggests that they are from the 1940's and 50's, but instead of faces she's painted images of nature as if  the women would rather be somewhere else, out in nature rather than where they really are. Reminds me that we've come a long way as women. I'm so thankful that there is a whole world of opportunity open out their for my little girl. 

Mayflower Supply Co. Spring Look Book

Monday, May 19, 2014

I'm kind of obsessed with Look Books. They are easily one of my favorite things to look at online so when I came across Mayflower Supply Company's Spring Look Book I got retardedly excited because it's so damn perfect. It definitely tops my list of favorites that I've seen in a long time. Take a look.

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I'm also itching for one of their wild fern envelope clutches and the Forts Look Book that I art directed for a Cape Town exhibition. 

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